Author: Pamela


Miami Officials Say They Won’t Check IDs t Hurricane Shelters… Though some counties warn that they will be, which puts undocumented immigrants, sex offenders, and people with outstanding parking tickets in imminent danger. Floridians are perhaps better equipped to…

Cruel, Unusual & Unconstitutional

Date: Sep 1, 2017 10:26 AM Women Against Registry ~ Fighting the Destruction of Families Cruel, Unusual & Unconstitutional A federal court judge in Denver has called the public sex offender registry in Colorado “cruel and unusual punishment.” Alison Ruttenberg,…

International Megan’s Law IML Protest

Metamora Films ~ The power of documentary and meaningful narrative films can help change the world by opening minds, rebuilding relationships, developing tolerance and understanding. More than 40 people participated in a peaceful protest held outside the federal district court…

Sex Offender Information Center…

Sex Offender Research Information Center ~ By sorinfocenter Quote: “Who am I? My name is Emily Horowitz, and this is my personal website” ~ https://sorinfocenter I am sociologist, and the author of Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws Are…